Info-Atari16 Digest Mon, 1 Jul 91 Volume 91 : Issue 365 Today's Topics: 1040 ST system for sale 640x800 on SM 124 with STE `Form' Symbolic Algebra manual Amiga is better then what??? (3 msgs) archiver/optimiser Bugs in GemFast v1.5 codehead ed Cooling an ST desktop colours without control.acc? HD interfaces ICD vs. BMS (where do you get 'em?) Help! -- SupraModem 2400+ Flow Control Info-Atari16 Digest V91 #363 Laserprinters Panther Publishing Partner (w/SG10) Unwanted Amiga Input (2 msgs) Welcome to the Info-Atari16 Digest. The configuration for the automatic cross-posting to/from Usenet is getting closer, but still getting thrashed out. Please send notifications about broken digests or bogus messages to Info-Atari16-Request@NAUCSE.CSE.NAU.EDU. Please send requests for un/subscription and other administrivia to Info-Atari16-Request, *NOT* Info-Atari16. Requests that go to the list instead of the moderators are likely to be lost or ignored. If you want to unsubscribe, and you're receiving the digest indirectly from someplace (usually a BITNET host) that redistributes it, please contact the redistributor, not us. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 1 Jul 91 14:56:13 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!rpi!!linac!!ux1.cso.uiuc.e du!! (John Gordon) Subject: 1040 ST system for sale To: Hi there. I recently defected to the PC world, and would like to free up some desk space by selling my ST system. It includes: 1040 ST w/1 Meg RAM and DS/DD drive and mouse Color and BW monitors LOTS of games software, including: Alternate Reality - City Arcticfox Arkanoid I Arkanoid II Autoduel Battlezone Blasteroids Breach I Breach II Captain Blood Championship Wrestling Chessmaster 2000 Death Sword Defender of the Crown Empire Gauntlet Gauntlet II Hacker II Heroes of the Lance Hostage Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom Mercenary Metrocross Oids Populous Road Runner Silent Service Star Quake Star Trek - Rebel Universe Super Hang-On Time Bandits Warlock Xenon and many more that have temporarily slipped my mind. Also some 'serious' software: Laser C compiler Cyber Paint Tempus II text editor Flash! Shadow and also several ST programming books and LOTS of STart magazines, most with the companion disk, and some public-domain stuff such as several good games, Degas and Neo art files, BBS numbers, etc. Whew! Didn't realize that I had so much. As for the price: I would like to get around $700, but if you have a reasonable offer, please talk to me. Also, if you want individual pieces, make me an offer, but I have to give priority to package deals. Waiting for inquiries, John Gordon Internet: #include #include ------------------------------ Date: 1 Jul 91 13:21:55 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!!sol.ctr.columbia .edu!!fauern!! (Claus Brod) Subject: 640x800 on SM 124 with STE To: larserio@IFI.UIO.NO (LarsErikOsterud) writes: >640x800i.prg This program uses INTERLACE to display 640x800 >"""""""""""" on a standard SM124 with no up/down scrolling !!! > It flickers some (no way around that without > a hardware modification), but if you adjust your > brightness and contrast it's better than Amiga :-) Does this work on the TT, too? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Claus Brod, Am Felsenkeller 2, Things. Take. Time. D-8772 Marktheidenfeld, Germany (Piet Hein) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: 1 Jul 91 07:22:07 GMT From: noao!ncar!!!caen!!ogicse!qiclab!nosun!loop!d (Don Taylor;253-6853;;;loop) Subject: `Form' Symbolic Algebra manual To: I got a copy of the Form symbolic algebra system but the manual is in .dvi format. Is there anyone who has or can turn this into ASCII or put it on paper for me? I would be glad to pay for the cost of getting it to me. Please reply by email if possible. Thanks Don Taylor 503-235-6853 Portland Oregon U.S.A. loop!dont@tessi.UUCP dont@loop.UUCP tessi!loop! ------------------------------ Date: 1 Jul 91 06:18:53 GMT From:!fauern!! t (Michael Kaaden) Subject: Amiga is better then what??? To: (Harry Karayiannis) writes: > I'm sick & tired of this nonsense. I don't know what is the problem of the >Amiga users who ocasionally post childish messages to this newsgroup, but most >of us don't give a damn about ANY Amiga machine. Exactly right. > I'd also like to ask from the few ST users who participate to this silly >(IMHO) discussion, to either ignore them, or continue arguing via personal >e-mail. No, they should send all their postings to /dev/null ... I like my ST, it's the best choice for the things I want to do. Others may have different opinions, but I'm not really interested in reading about them ALL DAY! :-( > thanks Yepp. >=============================================================================== > Harry Karayiannis Post: > || |# || 15 N.Beacon > |#| ||#| |#| Boston University Allston, MA 02134 > |#| ||#| |#| Computer Science Dpt. U.S.A. > |##| ||#| |##| _______________________ > ||#| ||#| ||#| |INTERnet: > //// |||| \\\\ % fortune -o | > ///// |||| \\\\\ "Hackers do it with |BITnet: >///// ATARI ST \\\\\ fewer instructions" | >=======================================================|_______________________ --- ========================================================================= Michael Kaaden Computer Science Student "For every problem there is one solution Rettystr. 20 which is simple, neat, and wrong." W-8500 Nuernberg 30, Germany H. L. Mencken ======================================================================== ------------------------------ Date: 1 Jul 91 12:57:35 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!mips!!!ira!fauern!! (Claus Brod) Subject: Amiga is better then what??? To: Rod.Fulk@f24.n228.z1.FidoNet.Org (Rod Fulk) writes: >memory around.. (ST's have a four meg limit.. That should make a BIG >difference when the bigger graphics displays become common.) With the standard MMU, it's a 4 MB limit. With a more intelligent memory expansion card, you can stuuf 12 MB of RAM into a standard Mega ST. >No, the ST memory is limited to 4 meg... (Same as chip memory as opposed to >fast memory.. The TT uses the same type of setup memory wise as the Amiga.. >CPU ram is VERY fast and is unlimited in theory.) I think Allan Pratt mentioned that the TT's slow RAM is limited to 10 MB or something like that. Am I wrong? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Claus Brod, Am Felsenkeller 2, Things. Take. Time. D-8772 Marktheidenfeld, Germany (Piet Hein) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: 1 Jul 91 13:14:30 GMT From: noao!ncar!!!caen!!!fa uern!! (Claus Brod) Subject: Amiga is better then what??? To: (Erik Funkenbusch) writes: >> An Ste with tos 1.6 and blitter performs pretty well... > >*IF* any software uses that blitter. very little does. Every program that draws on the screen using OS functions (i.e. virtually every program except some games) will profit from blitter speed because TOS uses the blitter to speed up the output. >Oh really? and i suppose that there are numerous 020,030,and 040 boards >available for the STe? and a 50 Mhz 030? You're right to suppose that there are 020 and 030 cards for the ST 8-) I haven't seen a 040 board yet. > >and the TT has it's version of Chip Memory as well. It's for performance, and >it only took Atari 6 years to realize that. Please try to understand that it's a different job to make a computer run with 0 waitstates that has a 8 MHz 68000 than to do this feat with a 32 MHz 68030 that uses burst mode to access RAM. Giving us 0 waitstates on the standard ST was an excellent hack from Atari, pushing the design to its limits. Remember the Amiga design didn't _quite_ manage this? Changing the design for the much faster TT is no sign of surrender as you would like to put it - just a architectural necessity. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Claus Brod, Am Felsenkeller 2, Things. Take. Time. D-8772 Marktheidenfeld, Germany (Piet Hein) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: 1 Jul 91 02:21:32 GMT From:!actrix! (Roger Sheppard) Subject: archiver/optimiser To: Can any of the UK, or otheres inform me on the availability of Ataries ? Hard Disk Archiver program that I read about so much last year in the UK, magazines. Also has Atari released there Hard Disk Optimiser program, or will it ever be released. -- *** Roger W. Sheppard * *** *** 85 Donovan Rd * * At least I don't Flicker, not *** *** Kapiti New Zealand.. * like a dying light globe. ! *** ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 1 Jul 91 12:01:44 +0100 From: "G. J. Baker" Subject: Bugs in GemFast v1.5 To: Info-Atari16 <> Hi, There are some typo's in the vdiinqr3.s module (well src from v1.2 but they seem to have been carried over into v1.5). They relate to the lables: in vqt_width the leading '_' is missing in the lable. in vqt_fontinfo a '_' has crept in, lable reads _v_qt_fontinfo. I don't have MadMac and am not up on 68000 assembler so it will be a week or so before I have corrected the library. If no one else has posted a fix before then I will. Regards Gareth J.Baker | Post: S.E.R.C., | Daresbury Laboratories, EARN/ | Warrington, WA4 4AD, | U.K. | Tel: +44 0925 603586 ------------------------------ Date: 1 Jul 91 02:53:32 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!!!ux1.cso.!! (charles bridgeland) Subject: codehead ed To: this from the latest znet: CODEHEAD ED: Included as freeware with CodeHead Utilities is CodeHead's special desk accessory version of MicroEMACS, the popular progammer's text editor. At CodeHead Software, we've been using CodeHead ED for years. Now you too can access the power of EMACS as a desk accessory. CodeHead ED uses the GEM file selector for loading and saving files and has been optimized in many other areas to help make your text editing tasks as easy as possible. You can bind commands to different key combinations to customize it to your own preferences, and the powerful EMACS command language lets you create macros and command routines to do extremely complex tasks. I assume that freeware means freely distributable does anyone have this, and could they post it or send me a copy? -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- chuck bridgeland---anarchoRepublican "one thing about a police state, you can always find the police" l. neil smith hired--leaving pit 7/5/91 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: 1 Jul 91 02:58:33 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!apple!portal!!Dave_Ninjajr_Flory Subject: Cooling an ST To: Best Products 2021 The Alameda, Suite 290 San Jose, CA., 95126-1127 Phone 408-243-6950 Has a real little fan, that is a replacement for that in the Mega2/4 and has a higher air flow. Its 12v, has 13" leads and 1 9/16 x 1 9/16 x 13/16. Center to center square bolt pattern is 1 1/4 in. $12.00. Should be easy to install if you are handy with a soldering iron, etc. They have parts for almost any Atari product ever made, plus some stuff that is uniquely theirs, like the 'BEST' mouse, the 'BEST' joystick, etc. plus they carry parts for all the stuff they sell so it can be repaired instead of replaced. ------------------------------ Date: 30 Jun 91 19:29:29 GMT From: garfield! (Carlos Borges) Subject: desktop colours without control.acc? To: Anybody know of a way to change desktop colours as in the desktop.inf file, _without_ using control.acc? Or how about just reversing the desktop colours in high rez? Is there a (preferably) small program on the net somewhere that can do this? -- C. Miguel Borges "The philosophers have only interpretted St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada the world in various ways; the point is to change it." - Karl Marx ------------------------------ Date: 30 Jun 91 16:01:18 GMT From: garfield! (Carlos Borges) Subject: HD interfaces ICD vs. BMS (where do you get 'em?) To: yonder@netcom.COM (Christopher Russell) writes: >I am planning a HD upgrade. I have a SH204. I'm thinking of selling >it and getting a SyQuest 44M removable. Ultimately I would like to >have a fixed drive and the SyQuest hooked up. Anyways, I would >usually figure that the ICD interface was the way to go, but I have >seen alot of messages about the BMS interface here on the net. I'm also thinking of getting one of those 44Meg removables. Anyone know _where_ I can get an ICD or BMS interface via mail-order? What about price? -- C. Miguel Borges "The philosophers have only interpretted St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada the world in various ways; the point is to change it." - Karl Marx ------------------------------ Date: 1 Jul 91 02:35:40 GMT From:!actrix! (Roger Sheppard) Subject: Help! -- SupraModem 2400+ Flow Control To: In article (Michel Forget) writes: > Does anyone know how to use the SupraModem 2400+ with Zmodem? I have > been able to use it fine with Ymodem-G for downloading, but there is no > version of Ymodem-G that supports uploading. The fastest protocol I know > of that does support uploading is Zmodem, yet I can't make it work with > the modem. My modem is connected at 9600 BPS to the computer as the > manual says it should, and I have Interlink set up to use RTS/CTS Flow > Control. It works fine online. When I try to download something, I > execute RZ 3.0 and that seems to work okay. When I use SZ, though, I get > superfast sending for a while and then it repositions itself to 1K > offset. It repeats the fast sending for a while, and then repositions > itself to 2K offset. It continues in this manner until I abort. Ymodem > uploads (from Interlink) work okay, but they are *SLOW*. I think the > problem has to do with no Flow Control support in Zmodem, but I get a > smilar problem with DTerm. I have Tos 1.4. I also tried installing a > program called Turbo CTS (it had no docs, but what harm could it do?) > with no affect. I hope someone can help me out with this problem. >> << ---------------------------------- >> > << ersys! >> > << >> > << Michel Forget >> > << "He's dead, Jim..." - Bones >> > << ---------------------------------- >> Have you in installed TOS 1.4, or even better the Patched version from atari.archive, tos14fx5.lzh. There is a bug in tos 1.4 that will stop rts/cts flow control. -- *** Roger W. Sheppard * *** *** 85 Donovan Rd * * At least I don't Flicker, not *** *** Kapiti New Zealand.. * like a dying light globe. ! *** ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 1 Jul 91 10:22 BST From: "Brian H. Sumida" Subject: Info-Atari16 Digest V91 #363 To: INFO-ATARI16 <> I realise that this is *not* the address to post UNsubscribe requests. I have, however, unsuccessfully attempted to unsubscribe by email to ".../info-atari16-request", resulting in a msg from some (previously unknown) node informing me that I am *not* on the distri- bution list. Obviously there is some other intermediate node some- where. Not being a "Net Guru", could someone @info-atari16 kindly help me to unsubscribe. regards, Dr. B. H. Sumida, University of Oxford, Department of Zoology, Animal Behaviour Research Group, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PS U.K. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 01 Jul 91 11:39:14 MEZ From: Michael Burschik Subject: Laserprinters To: Should I buy an Atari laserprinter or an HP laserprinter? Speed isn't really that important to me, whereas the possibility of plugging the thing into a PC might come in handy. I'm really looking for a cheap, no-nonsense machine with good quality printouts. Who can offer me advice? Cheers. Mike. ------------------------------ Date: 1 Jul 91 03:57:41 GMT From: cleveland.Freenet.Edu! (Len Stys) Subject: Panther To: The Panther project is supposely now dead. The Panther was originally going to be a 16-bit hot shot video game system to knock the Super NES and the rest of them out of the water early next year. The problem was the time. By the time Atari released the Panther, the Super NES, Genesis, and Turbo-16 would have most of the market. Even with a little better games, it is the same old story with the Nintendo, Sega Master, and 7800. Atari has decided to leap frog them all and release a 32-bit video game system instead. Some even say Atari will release a 24-bit as well. But the president of Atari Corp.'s Entertainment Division stated that the 32-bit will indeed be a reality early next year. He stated it in one of the video game publications when answering a reader's letter. I wonder what the price would be on that... P.S. - if someone could inform AtariUser of this, it would be appreciated! They should really call the Atari Entertainment Division to make sure but I believe these are facts. Len Stys -- ------------------------------ Date: 1 Jul 91 12:47:41 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!apple!netcomsv! (Christopher Russell) Subject: Publishing Partner (w/SG10) To: I have Publishing Partner (a vintage copy -- did they ever make an upgrade?). Anyways, I wanna use it with my SG10. The readme files says to set the printer to IBM mode and use the MX80 driver. I tried this. I tried the FX80 driver. I tried the Gemini driver with the SG10 in Star mode. It prints "something" out in any of these modes. Unfortunately only the largest of letters seem to print out correctly. For example: on the example (tutorial) document the title "Publishing Partner" prints out ok in all of the above meantioned modes. I think the point size is about all prints out very fragmented. It is an old version of the program that was sold to me with my ST. I had kinda always told myself I would try it out "real soon now". It looks to be a pretty good rudimentary page layout program. Is it still used much? SoftLogik Corp. still around? -- Christopher L. Russell (yonderboy) Phone: (408)378-9078 Campbell,CA yonder@netcom.COM or or ------------------------------ Date: 30 Jun 91 21:05:00 GMT From: noao!ncar!!!!!quest!orbit!pne t51! (Erik Funkenbusch) Subject: Unwanted Amiga Input To: (Technoid) writes: > > You know, I'm really shocked! I've been an Atarian for over 6 years >I've had 8-bits and ST's. I've seen the Atari vs Commodore wars come and go. >I've enjoyed reading the news in but lately I can't enjoy >any of it without some posting about Amiga's "superiority" from some life-long >commodore die-hards. Great! This is not comp.sys.amiga.* >and these little battles and irritating posts do NOT belong here. Who is in >charge of this news group anyway? Usually I read down through every article Well the problem comes about that someone was posting an informative message that Atari users took as a personal attack (insecurity?) and they responded with tons of lies/misconceptions/propoganda/falsities about the Amiga. now, no self respecting Amigan is going to let other people lie about his favorite computer, thus we get Amigan's trying to correct the mis-information and it's construed as a Computer war. When in reality, it's just some nice Amiga people trying to prevent the spread of false information. If you don't want to read about it, then send mail to the people who are spreading the false information, and most of the Amiga posts will stop. --------------------------------------------------------------------------. | UUCP: {amdahl!tcnet, crash}!orbit!pnet51!chucks | "I know he's come back | | ARPA: crash!orbit!pnet51! | from the dead, but do | | INET: | you really think he's | |-------------------------------------------------| moved back in?" | | Amiga programmer at large, employment options | Lou Diamond Philips in | | welcome, inquire within. | "The First Power". | `--------------------------------------------------------------------------' ------------------------------ Date: 1 Jul 91 14:11:38 GMT From: (Christopher K. Brown) Subject: Unwanted Amiga Input To: In article <> (Erik Funkenbusch) writes: >[.............................] When in reality, it's just some nice Amiga >people trying to prevent the spread of false information. [more garbage..] Wow, someone help this guy, he's about to drown in his own bullshit. Yeah. Right. Nice Amiga People. Why would anyone with an Amiga EVER read this newsgroup. It makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE. I don't even know what the comp.sys.amiga.* newsgroups look like. They could come up with spinning colors and talking clowns! I wouldn't know! And sure as hell don't care. The Crusading Amigans, out to make the world safe for Commodore. (Please, I have nothing against Amiga users in general, just the ones who say stuff like the above quote, and really believe it...........) ------------------------------ End of Info-Atari16 Digest ******************************